Shar's Rebel Recess October 1, 2024

Shar's Rebel Recess October 1, 2024

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a kunv Studios original program. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. You

Unknown Speaker 0:20

Unknown Speaker 0:36
Good evening, and welcome back to shars Rebel recess. Didn't you guys love our last episode from last week, where we were interviewing justice Michael L Douglas regarding his expansive life and experiences in the legal world. I mean, I'm telling you, as I was sitting here listening, I didn't do much interjection, because I was so riveted by the stories that he was telling about being so many different firsts. I don't know if you know, but, and I hope that you do have the experience of being the first at something. It's a really tall ask, because you don't really have a roadmap for that. You and talk about pressure. I know he was saying that when he was when he was here, that

Unknown Speaker 1:28
let me get it right. So he was saying, how, in his time, in his generation, you know, let's be honest, we're still in his generation,

Unknown Speaker 1:37
that during that time, it was just it wasn't about whether or not there was pressure or there was stress, or there was all of these other things. It was just one way. It's just to do it. It's just a walk. And I kind of feel that because sometimes in our life, because we are individuals, we do we have our own experiences, we have our own roadmap, our own path. So we are the first, and we are going to be the last on that particular individual map. So there's a lot of pressure there, and whether or not you are the first to do something that there's going to be a lot of others that can pick up on their path and they can do and they can use you as a kind of guide or reference you're the first. Doing everything that you are experiencing every day, every interaction that you're having, you're the first. So I like to think of it. It kind of makes me feel a little bit. It

Unknown Speaker 2:36
gives me that extra nudge and a reminder and a kind of it's a way for me to decompress, too. It makes me think about so when we go back into thinking like, Okay, so our parents got together and then they had us right. Well, think about how many different couples had to get together going way back in your lineage in order to make that perfect cocktail that you now, that's a that's a big thing, that is that's and for those of us who are interested in divine design, that's a huge boon and a huge boost to our ego. But when we think about it, just practically, you know, in the natural course of things, the biological course of things, we know that one second too early, one second too late, and that person gets with somebody else, we could be a whole nother person. We could be having a whole nother experience in our life. So again, I mean that for me, it's an inspiration, but that can also be some pressure, just knowing that there's no one else that can

Unknown Speaker 3:48
effectively, right, effectively give you exactly what you need to make your next move or your next step, because they don't really have your experiences, and Even if you are a party to multiple births, right? If you are twin, if you are a triplet, if you're quadruplet, you know, whatever the case may be, you all, whether it's fraternal or you guys are identical. You all may look alike, but inside your experiences, your vantage point, your point of view, is different. You may be looking and and living in the same household with both parents, or with one parents, or whatever your family structure looks like, that experience is unique to you, and then all of the people that you interact with on the daily basis, again, unique to you. So there's really not just one way you know, to live life, to create

Unknown Speaker 4:44
what you're going to be or the role that you're going to have productively in this world. But what I hope to do, and what I hope you gleaned from Justice Douglas, is that it's okay that you.

Unknown Speaker 5:00
You understand that this is your role, this is your responsibility, this is your life, and you have to live it, and it's okay to be the first. It's okay to create some new rules, some new expectations in your walk. And that doesn't diminish all of the great accomplishes he had that he made excuse me when I stumble in my words, because when I get really excited about something,

Unknown Speaker 5:27
I have a tendency to talk too fast. I don't know. I don't know if you guys have had that experience.

Unknown Speaker 5:33
It's not just me. When you're talking to you get so excited about something that sometimes you stumble over your words, sometimes you stammer. But that's how it is for me when I get excited about a concept again, and it adds to my need to kind of slow down and, you know, think it through and don't freak yourself out, but getting back to it, yeah, understanding that it's okay to be the first, because you're going to be the first. You're the first you that ever was, and you are the only you that ever will be. And that is a big thing. It's a commendable thing. And you're doing you every day of your life. And you you are not a small thing. You are huge. You are an astronomical wonder in this earth. And I can appreciate that just how I had to learn to appreciate me and what I bring to the table, and that if I was busy spending my life copying someone else, then who would show up and be me? I can't imagine who would do that job. So you guys would kind of miss out.

Unknown Speaker 6:47
Are you guys out there thinking, like, what is up with this girl? What is she? We are not missing out on anything. We never knew her. No, just kidding. But anyway, so this week, on this episode, you get the pleasure of just listening to some things that I that I've been doing, and how I've been decompressing, what I've been up to, and upcoming weeks are going to have a couple more interviews for you. I wasn't really sure who I could bring in that could kind of follow up justice Douglas, because he is a giant in the land, and I love that about him. And likewise, I feel like there needs to be some kind of flow, and again, decompression in between, some recess in between. So upcoming we will have for you, and the rest of the month, I intend to have someone who is studying Paralegal Studies, and what that looks like for her in her program, and how she is able to juggle everything because she's a single parent. So that takes a lot. And then there is, I have another attorney that is coming up at the end of the month, someone very big, but I'm gonna wait till we get closer to it, like the week before, and then I'll let you know who it is. So, you know, stay tuned for that. I want you to, I want you to keep on listening and seeing what people who are working, living and breathing and doing professional things, or aspiring to do these professional things, and what they're doing to enjoy their recess now. Okay, so a couple of weeks ago, but we had our inaugural episode. I told you guys that I was considering doing a smash room, one of those rage rooms. Okay, I made good on that promise. This past weekend, I went to one of the rage rooms in town. And if you if this is your first time listening to the podcast again, before I really get into it, I want to thank you for listening, for taking your time to download. That is huge. I am grateful whoever downloads it, because I'm like, you know, that's one more person that I can hopefully help, that'll hopefully feel, bring something or feel something from what we are talking about here, that needs it. So any resources that you can get all to the better, all to lend to how great you're going to be moving forward. And then I wanted to tell you about, oh, we have our Instagram. So shars Rebel recess is on Instagram, so please, I drop I leave little messages about who's going to be on the show. I give, put a link to the podcast episodes when they are available. There's a link tree that goes to the page that's on Spotify, on Apple podcast, Amazon, music, transistor, FDM, things like that. I also, you know, talk about, I feel like I put some pictures of our the people that we interview on there. So shars Rebel recess on Instagram, and we are also on YouTube, and we're.

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Working out how to upload these podcasts to YouTube, but the channel exists, so when we can it'll be there also we are, you know, pretty much everywhere you are, we are. We have an email. So if you would like to ask some questions, what you need to answer, or if you have some suggestions on who you would like to be on, or if you have some

Unknown Speaker 10:24
ways that you like to spend your breaks, your recesses, please do send us an email at shars Rebel recess on Gmail, right? So, yeah, we I want to be accessible to you. I want you to be able to reach out and let me know what's working, what's not working, what, as far as your recesses and activities that you do during your breaks in order to get from point A to point B all the way to point Z, right? So, um, anyway, getting back to that rage room. Okay, so

Unknown Speaker 10:55
let me tell you why I had to though, so

Unknown Speaker 11:00
several things like, as I told you before, at my big age, I'm a non traditional student over here at UNLV, and I am in my senior year. I graduate next spring, or at least enslaved it to graduate next spring, and I am majoring in urban studies. And, God, I love that that discipline so much they didn't have it when I first got into college back when I was 17. So yeah, it's well, at least I didn't know it existed, if it did. So So now having the opportunity to work with

Unknown Speaker 11:39
some of the professors over there has been really great for me. Shout out to Dr Helen Neal. I really love her. She has been a great support in the discipline, and she's constantly trying to figure out ways to increase us, to give us more information, to give us more opportunities and more resources. Also

Unknown Speaker 12:02
you know, I'm really her biggest fan. And then my minor is in African American and African Diaspora Studies, so I am enjoying that as well, because, you know, there's so much I thought I knew all there was to know about being black. I mean, I know the arrogance of it all. How dare she but yeah, as an African American woman, and, you know, and I did a lot of studying my first go round

Unknown Speaker 12:34
regarding the cultural experiences, but you can never believe, you know, again, I got taught that here you can never believe that you have learned it all. You've seen it all, even though that might be who the category that you check, there's so much more information to be on Earth regarding our shared experiences, because, again, we are all unique individuals, and we all have a different experience. So there's always someone sharing a new vantage, a new vantage point, point of view regarding what they've gone through. So I am grateful to our department

Unknown Speaker 13:14
that gives me the opportunity to expand my horizons and build upon the things that are the foundations that I had, and it helps to make me greater. And I believe that's something that can help you to be greater, if you go reach out and you seek

Unknown Speaker 13:30
and are open to other people in their experiences with that said, the raise room, I am currently studying for the LSAT, so I'll be taking this. This will be my second time sitting for the LSAT. So I know from the last time, I haven't even bothered to peek at my score from the first time, that's how shell shocked I was about that test, that exam. Oh my god. I like, I spazzed, right? I'm like, I know I didn't do well. I'm not even going to bother to look. I'm going to wait till after my second pass. It also can be that I'm hard on myself. You know what? We all have a tendency to be our own worst critic, and that's for sure, me,

Unknown Speaker 14:15
if you if you look that up in the dictionary

Unknown Speaker 14:19
or the etymology of the word, they'd be like, there's a picture of char. She's her own worst critic. So, yeah, so since I'm studying for that, and

Unknown Speaker 14:32
it has been daunting, I don't know what it is about my brain, my old, old brain. I don't know if it's just, you know, having a little it's having, it's having a difficult time putting together the concepts right, the modern concepts and what we need to know. And then there's the pressure of, I want to be help, of helped people. I want to be an attorney so that I can do that. I want to don my white cap. I want to get.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
Into the ring, and I want to fight for those who can't fight for themselves. And anyway, with that being said, I needed to blow off some steam, right? So I thought about it, I'm like, oh yeah. I said that I was going to go to the rage room, our smash room. And so I did. I took three of my kiddos with me. It's the raise room, depending on where you go. There are some that are eight plus and over. And so we did that, and they gave us, like, a certain number of pieces of glass, scary, right? Certain pieces of like, plates or whatever. So the glass really equated to ceramic dishes as well, or like old pots, or whatever that is. And then it also, there was a couple of small appliances that we each got, and what that looked like was maybe like one of those old rotary type phones, or, you know, one of the business phones, monitor. I remember seeing that in the room, like a printer. I saw that in the room, but you are safe. So it's a safe space. It's a safe environment. It was like an industrial center, like a little neighborhood center, or whatever. Well, you know what? It was an industrial it was a neighborhood center, B class,

Unknown Speaker 16:21
neighborhood center. So it was like at the elbow, elbow joint of the development. So it had a lot of space in there. And they do quite a few things. They give you some options, like you can do the paint room, or you can do what we did, the smashing thing room, or you can do, I think they had AX throwing that was never going to happen with my kiddos. That was not going to be a thing for us. But

Unknown Speaker 16:48
I don't knock anyone that wants to go in Paul Bunyan their way through. Um, anyway. So we, we get there and they had snacks, free. Snacks. Okay, so my kiddos, they were about that life. They're like, what are the snacks? Give me all the snacks. And I'm like, Well, I'm gonna wait till I'm done with when I worked up a sufficient sweat. Because I feel like, for me again, one of those things where I'm just like, overthinking it. But what I feel like is, you know, I need to be able to

Unknown Speaker 17:22
justify having the snacks, whether it's a healthy snack or, you know, a junk food, snacky snack. I, you know, I feel like I need to justify. I need to do something to earn it just and and again, issues that char has with char, right? I don't impose that on anyone else, just myself, and I made it up. No one told me that I needed to be this way. I just, I don't know, I have issues. But anyway, so I was there, and we, the first thing we have to do is go into this room and we had to put on safety clothes. So there were these jumpsuits that you kind of zip up and, you know, workman jumpsuits. I've seen electrical workers in them. I don't want to see construction workers in them because, you know, I gotta, I have to assume that construction workers, because they're out in the environment, especially out here, and it's put a hot, it's pretty hot that that's not necessary. But I've seen electrical workers in it, right? Utility Workers in them, things like that. And so we put that on. We had to put on if we didn't have closed toed shoes or sturdy shoes. We needed to wear these boots. They were like rubber boots. Reminds me of it reminded me of rain boots, right? Those really tall rain boots that go, that you get, that goes up to your knees. But it was still, it was a sturdier kind of resident, and so we had to put those on. We put on, if you didn't have glasses, you wore safety goggles. And if you did have glasses, you keep those on. On top of that, we had to put a shield. It was a face shield. We also wore these. I call them hospital gloves. I really don't know what you would call them, other than hospital latex gloves. I'm sure they have some for those of you with latex allergies that can work with that, but you put those on just for the

Unknown Speaker 19:14
Okay, we're going to move past that, because I don't even know the word for it, but you put those gloves on under the utility gloves that they provide you that's pretty thick and sturdy and meant to withstand. You know, since they have some sharp objects in there, you don't really want to get your hands all cut up while you're in there. So I felt sufficient. They also had like this speaker, this wireless speaker that you can put pump your own music in the room. So if you want to rage out to some heavy metal, you can, if you want to meddle out to some jazz, you can and go, you know, all, okay, I won't say that, but

Unknown Speaker 19:48
you can, you can meddle out to some jazz. You can put or, you know, gospel music. Because, look, I listened to gospel rap and gospel hip hop. I think I hit on that before. So.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
When I was doing, when I since I do that,

Unknown Speaker 20:03
I went to go get my phone to connect it to my speaker, and my son, my 14 year old, he was like, Mom, do not put gospel music on in here. This is not the space for that. This is not the activity. And I'm like, but I feel like it will inspire me. He's like, Mom, no, this is not so I was like, Okay, well, I guess we're going to do this in silence, because I can't think right now what music to put on. So I

Unknown Speaker 20:33
just kind of slinked over to a corner and put my things in the little cabinets that they give you to put your your personal items in in the room with you. Can you imagine thinking back on it? Oh, my God, how, how traumatic might that have been. I don't know what their experience is, how they would have interpreted that. But could you imagine that your

Unknown Speaker 21:00
that you're up, your parent, your mom, has you come in there and you're doing the Smash room to gospel music. Forget that is rapid hip hop and things like that, and has a pretty funky

Unknown Speaker 21:13
beat look. I wasn't thinking about that at the time, but, you know, like I said, in hindsight, that probably wouldn't have been the best thing to associate, you know? I mean, for me, it's balance creation and destruction,

Unknown Speaker 21:26
you know, hey, we all can just kind of,

Unknown Speaker 21:30
we can make sense out of anything. But anyway, so we're in there, and they have this one wall that, and that's where you direct all your items towards, if you want to throw it, if you want to hit it, they give you all of these different weapons to use, yes, weapons so, but the weapons are like a sledgehammer. You know? They have two different types. They had a aluminum bat, and that made me harken back to my softball days, and what I told you guys about, about going to the batting cages, so I picked that bat up with the swiftness. I'm like, Oh yeah, buddy, I'm going to see and what, what this would do. It also they had a crowbar, and let's see. I feel like that was all they had for the destruction.

Unknown Speaker 22:22
I don't know if I remember it. I'll say it, but anyway, so they leave you in the room, and you direct everything toward this one wall. The room was large enough for the four of us so that we weren't, like, having any I didn't have any concerns about us hitting each other, or, you know, swinging or whatever, or the stuff just kind of splattering and getting us.

Unknown Speaker 22:47
But I still didn't take off my mom hat. So as I'm in there, I'm like, Okay, be mindful. Make sure, make sure that you're so it's like organized chaos. So we're in there and

Unknown Speaker 22:58
the kid this poor monitor. They had this huge, curved gaming monitor. I don't know if you guys are gamers, or some of you game as a form of recess or break, but they have this really huge gaming monitor. It was probably 32 inches, maybe 27 or something like that cute, curved one. And I'm thinking like, oh my god, what? Why do they have it? Because I want one of these in my life so that I can gain so that I can get down with my kids. And, you know, I play overcooks. I don't know you guys know about that game. Definitely a mom type of game, kitchen game. I was just watching a playthrough on YouTube of

Unknown Speaker 23:38
this game that was created by the developers of Dead by Daylight. I believe it's called the casting of Frank stone or something like that. Oh, my God, it's one of those decision based games. So that's something that I like, too. I like the decision based games because I know that there can have so many different outcomes, because that's what life is about. You do this and this happen, or you do that and this may happen. So yeah, I'm into decision based games,

Unknown Speaker 24:04
don't get me wrong. I'm also into Mortal Kombat. I am a mortal kombat fan from way back, like when I was a teenager, and I getting that, get into the arcade Tekken, Mortal Kombat, those one on one Fighter games on it like nobody's business, you know they I mean, the graphics can be a little bit much, especially these days, but give me some, Luke, and let's get on with this thing. Anyway. As I was saying, I digressed.

Unknown Speaker 24:35
We were in that smash room, and so I'm in the spat, the Smash room. And I can say, since it was our first time, it was a little bit difficult, kind of reconciling that it was okay, that it was okay to break these things. So we got off to a slow start, and when we were in there, I'm like, Okay, I.

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Yeah, let's, let's see what we can do. We can smash. I said, You know what? Mom will start because they were sitting around and they're like, I don't know if I want to do it. I said, Mom will stop, sir. I took this old,

Unknown Speaker 25:12
this old dish, very pretty dish, though it was kind of floral, but definitely one of those dishes that you know has been around for a while, and I really tried my best not to overthink it, but when I left, I did. I was thinking about that dish and who it belonged to, right

Unknown Speaker 25:30
at some point in time. But okay, I won't bring down the mood. All right, anyway. So the dish, I threw, that dish towards the wall, the wall, had this really huge Red Bull's eye on it, so I just kind of tossed it like a Frisbee. I said, we're about to see what it's gonna be. So I tossed it, and my kids was like, oh, that's the gold sign. So they went and got that monitor. Was the first thing. I didn't expect them to get the monitor, because we are avid gamers in our house, we go to the virtual gaming centers out here and and we kind of, you know, the the gaming the gaming rooms, and we we get down, but that was the first thing they grabbed. Was the monitor. I don't know if it was because it was the largest I know, but who grabbed it was my teenage daughter.

Unknown Speaker 26:21
She grabbed that monitor, she took it and she took a whole crowbar to no she took the sledgehammer to it. That's what she did. She took a sledgehammer to it. My youngest, he took a crowbar to it. My my teenage son, he stomped it

Unknown Speaker 26:42
so I was like, Okay, I guess we're, we're ganging up on this monitor. And I took my aluminum back to it. And so I want you to know that it was a really great session. And when I got home that evening, I got started with I jumped back into my LSAT prep, and I'm still doing it every evening. I'm still doing my LSAT prep, but I really hope that you guys come and join us again next week for our next episode. I am going to be wrapping this up very soon, in like a minute or so, but again, please find us on Instagram at shars Rebel recess. Look for our podcast. It'll drop this evening at 6pm right now you're listening right, right, right, right. Depending on what time zone you're in,

Unknown Speaker 27:34
make sure that you guys every week, Tuesday at 6pm get in there. Listen to see what we have going on, and what you may like, and I'll share some other experiences about me, and I'll try very hard not to smack in your ears again. But it's a progress. It's a work in progress. I'm trying, I'm trying my best. I'm trying to get rid of those UMS too. That's very hard to do. I'm sure you guys know that. See, I was about to do it again, but I stopped it with that being said again. Thank you so much for listening to shars Rebel recess. Please send us an email if you have any comments, if you have any suggestions at sharsrebel,

Unknown Speaker 28:17
follow us our channel on YouTube. I'm going to try my best. I heard that, um, I'm going to try my best to create a Facebook page as well, because I want us to have a presence everywhere that you are. I want us to be and I want to give you an opportunity to share some things that you do because it might help somebody else. And I want your first time to be the the greatest time, right your first time at anything that you do, bringing the perspective that you have to it so again. Thank you for listening. Thank you for taking these moments out of your day. I know you can't get them back, but so I'm glad that you spent it on me. All right. See you soon next week. You

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